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Privacy policy

This document describes how we, Beep, collect and process users data on our site and in our Shopify app. By using the our Shopify app, you agree to the use of information in accordance with this policy.

This document describes how we, Beep, collect and process users data on our site and in our Shopify app. By using the our Shopify app, you agree to the use of information in accordance with this policy.

This document describes how we, Beep, collect and process users data on our site and in our Shopify app. By using the our Shopify app, you agree to the use of information in accordance with this policy.

Company details

Company details

Company details

Legal name: MFvAS2 ApS
Company ID: 43466097
Address: Klosterport 9, 4., 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Contact email:

What data do we collect?

What data do we collect?

What data do we collect?

On our website: We don't collect anything on our website. Not via Google Analytics or anything else.

In our app: We only collect the settings you save in the app. We don't store any of the data you're getting in the SMS updates — we pull the data directly from your Shopify store and forward it to you, via an SMS, without it ever getting saved in our database.

Third party access

Third party access

Third party access

We use the following third-party software providers:

  • to host the app and the database.

  • to send the SMS updates.

  • to run the code that gets the data and sends the SMS via Twilio's SDK.

Your rights

Your rights

Your rights

You're always welcome to reach out if you want to see what we store on your or if you want to update or delete the information we have on you.

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© 2024 – Beep

© 2024 – Beep

© 2024 – Beep